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- You have accessRestricted accessChris Elcock, Psychedelic New York: A History of LSD in the CityZoe DubusHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, February 2024, 65 (2) 325-327; DOI: DubusUniversity of Saskatchewan
- You have accessRestricted accessIdo Hartogsohn, American Trip: Set, Setting, and the Psychedelic Experience in the Twentieth CenturyJonathan SadowskyHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, February 2024, 65 (2) 327-329; DOI: SadowskyCase Western Reserve University
- You have accessRestricted accessAlisha Rankin, The Poison Trials: Wonder Drugs, Experiment, and the Battle for Authority in Renaissance SciencePaige DonaghyHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, February 2024, 65 (2) 320-322; DOI: DonaghyUniversity of Queensland
- You have accessRestricted accessAro Velmet, Pasteur’s Empire: Bacteriology and Politics in France, Its Colonies, and the WorldCharles A. KollmerHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, February 2024, 65 (2) 322-325; DOI: A. KollmerCalifornia Institute of Technology
- You have accessRestricted accessMike Jay, Mescaline: A Global History of the First PsychedelicErika DyckHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 180-182; DOI: DyckUniversity of Saskatchewan
- You have accessRestricted accessTimothy M. Yang, A Medicated Empire: The Pharmaceutical Industry and Modern JapanRyosuke YokoeHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 182-184; DOI: YokoeUniversity of Tokyo
- You have accessRestricted accessHaggai Ram, Intoxicating Zion: A Social History of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and IsraelJames BradfordHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 178-180; DOI: BradfordBerklee College of Music
- You have accessRestricted accessDavid Gentilcore and Matthew Smith, eds., Proteins, Pathologies and Politics: Dietary Innovation and Disease from the Nineteenth Century, Reviewer: Peder ClarkPeder ClarkHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2019, 61 (3-4) 170-171; DOI: ClarkUniversity of Strathclyde
- You have accessRestricted accessMartin D. Moore, Managing Diabetes, Managing Medicine: Chronic Disease and Clinical Bureaucracy in Post-War Britain, Reviewer: Rachel MeachRachel MeachHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2019, 61 (3-4) 171-172; DOI: MeachUniversity of Strathclyde
- You have accessRestricted accessAymon de Lestrange, Coca Wine: Angelo Mariani’s Miraculous Elixir and the Birth of Modern Advertising, Reviewer: Michael A. FlanneryMichael A. FlanneryHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2019, 61 (3-4) 172-173; DOI: A. FlanneryUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham