Table of Contents
September 01, 2024; Volume 66,Issue 1
Bertin, Richard
- You have accessRestricted accessThe U.S. Indian Health Service: A Seedbed for Innovative Pharmacy PracticeInterview with Richard ChurchWilliam Zellmer and Richard BertinHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 34-50; DOI: ZellmerWilliam Zellmer is president of Pharmacy Foresight Consulting .Richard BertinRichard Bertin is former chief pharmacist officer in the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service .
De Vos, Paula
- You have accessRestricted accessLonda Schiebinger, Secret Cures of Slaves: People, Plants, and Medicine in the Eighteenth‐Century Atlantic WorldPaula De VosHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 65-68; DOI: De VosSan Diego State University
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom Ancient to Modern TimesPaula De Vos, Tanja Pommerening and Lucas RichertHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 1-3; DOI: De VosPaula De Vos is professor of history at San Diego State University .Tanja PommereningTanja Pommerening is professor and the director of the Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine at the University of Marburg, Germany .Lucas RichertLucas Richert is professor and the George Urdang chair in the History of Pharmacy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy .
Haars, Maximilian
- You have accessRestricted accessA Botanical Perspective on the Illustrated DioscoridesMaximilian HaarsHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 26-33; DOI: HaarsMaximilian Haars is a postdoctoral fellow at Marburg University .
Ingram, Hilary
- You have accessRestricted accessPatrick Chiu, Transformation from Colonial Chemist to Global Health and Beauty Retailer: A S WatsonHilary IngramHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 68-69; DOI: IngramUniversity of Nottingham
Millek, Jesse
- You have accessRestricted accessPeppermint’s Phony Pharaonic PastDispelling the Myth of Mentha piperita in Ancient EgyptJesse Millek and Lutz PopkoHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 4-25; DOI: MillekJesse Millek is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO), Leiden University .Lutz PopkoLutz Popko is a Scientific Assistant at the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig .
Pommerening, Tanja
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom Ancient to Modern TimesPaula De Vos, Tanja Pommerening and Lucas RichertHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 1-3; DOI: De VosPaula De Vos is professor of history at San Diego State University .Tanja PommereningTanja Pommerening is professor and the director of the Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine at the University of Marburg, Germany .Lucas RichertLucas Richert is professor and the George Urdang chair in the History of Pharmacy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy .
Popko, Lutz
- You have accessRestricted accessPeppermint’s Phony Pharaonic PastDispelling the Myth of Mentha piperita in Ancient EgyptJesse Millek and Lutz PopkoHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 4-25; DOI: MillekJesse Millek is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO), Leiden University .Lutz PopkoLutz Popko is a Scientific Assistant at the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig .
Richert, Lucas
- You have accessRestricted accessFrom Ancient to Modern TimesPaula De Vos, Tanja Pommerening and Lucas RichertHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 1-3; DOI: De VosPaula De Vos is professor of history at San Diego State University .Tanja PommereningTanja Pommerening is professor and the director of the Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine at the University of Marburg, Germany .Lucas RichertLucas Richert is professor and the George Urdang chair in the History of Pharmacy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Pharmacy .
Spillane, Joseph
- You have accessRestricted accessElizabeth Kelly Gray, Habit Forming: Drug Addiction in America, 1776–1914Joseph SpillaneHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 69-71; DOI: SpillaneUniversity of Florida
Tekiner, Halil
- You have accessRestricted accessInternational Society for the History of PharmacyInsights into Challenges and OpportunitiesHalil TekinerHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2024, 66 (1) 57-64; DOI: TekinerHalil Tekiner is president of the International Society for the History of Pharmacy and head of the Department of the History of Pharmacy and Ethics, Erciyes University School of Pharmacy, Talas 38280 Kayseri, Türkiye .