Index by author
October 01, 2023; Volume 65,Issue 1
Editor’s Introduction
- You have accessRestricted accessEditor’s IntroductionNeşe Devenot, Brian Pace, Lucas Richert and Mary MagnusonHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 1-7; DOI:şe DevenotUniversity of CincinnatiBrian PaceThe Ohio State UniversityLucas RichertUniversity of Wisconsin–MadisonMary MagnusonUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
- Open AccessTending a Vibrant WorldGift Logic and Sacred Plant MedicinesKeith Williams and Suzanne BrantHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 8-32; DOI: WilliamsFirst Nations Technical InstituteSuzanne BrantFirst Nations Technical Institute
- You have accessRestricted accessMoving Forward by Looking BackCritiques of Commercialized Mindfulness and the Future of (Commercialized) PsychedelicsPatrick Elf, Amy Isham and Dario LeoniHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 33-62; DOI: ElfMiddlesex UniversityAmy IshamSwansea UniversityDario LeoniUniversity of Surrey
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Zihuatanejo ProjectTimothy Leary’s Psychedelic Center In MexicoNidia A. Olvera and Zinnia CapóHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 63-92; DOI: A. OlveraZinnia CapóStony Brook University
- Open AccessLearning about STPA Forgotten Psychedelic from the Summer of LoveMatthew J. BaggottHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 93-116; DOI: J. BaggottTactogen Inc.
- Open AccessThe Evolving Role of History in the Past, Present, and Future of Psychedelic PatentingShahin Shams, Amanda Rose Pratt, Sisi Li and Tom IsenbargerHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 117-130; DOI: ShamsPorta SophiaAmanda Rose PrattPorta SophiaSisi LiPorta SophiaTom IsenbargerCasimir Jones S.C.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Corporadelic Set and SettingOn the Consequences of Psychedelic CommodificationIdo HartogsohnHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 131-140; DOI: HartogsohnBar-Ilan University
- You have accessRestricted accessBlowing Glass at Stone HousesAn Interview with Psychedelic Anticapitalist David NicklesBrian Pace and Neşe DevenotHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 141-159; DOI: PaceThe Ohio State UniversityNeşe DevenotUniversity of Cincinnati
- You have accessRestricted accessInterview with Susan R. WhyteRafaela ZorzanelliHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 160-168; DOI: ZorzanelliInstitute for Social Medicine, State University of Rio de Janeiro
Visual Pharmacy
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Introduction of Peyote into Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological FrameworksMary Magnuson, Hannah Swan and Lucas RichertHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 169-177; DOI: MagnusonUniversity of Wisconsin–MadisonHannah SwanSchool of Pharmacy at University of Wisconsin-MadisonLucas RichertUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
Book Reviews
- You have accessRestricted accessHaggai Ram, Intoxicating Zion: A Social History of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and IsraelJames BradfordHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 178-180; DOI: BradfordBerklee College of Music
- You have accessRestricted accessMike Jay, Mescaline: A Global History of the First PsychedelicErika DyckHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 180-182; DOI: DyckUniversity of Saskatchewan
- You have accessRestricted accessTimothy M. Yang, A Medicated Empire: The Pharmaceutical Industry and Modern JapanRyosuke YokoeHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, October 2023, 65 (1) 182-184; DOI: YokoeUniversity of Tokyo