Table of Contents
July 25, 2018; Volume 60,Issue 3
Bond, Gregory
- You have accessRestricted access“Love Him and Let Him Go”:The American Colonization Society’s James Brown—Pioneering African-American Apothecary in the United States and Liberia, 1802-1853, Part I—The United StatesGregory BondHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 77-88; DOI: Bond*Assistant Director, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy,
Erlen, Jonathan
- You have accessRestricted accessDissertations in the History of PharmacyJonathan ErlenHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 100; DOI: Erlen*University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, email: .
Gamble, James G.
- You have accessRestricted accessRise and Fall of the Pain-Killer™James G. Gamble and Jamison G. GambleHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 89-94; DOI: G. Gamble*James G. Gamble, MD, PhD and Jamison G. Gamble, MPH, Stanford University School of Medicine, Packard Children’s Hospital.Jamison G. Gamble*James G. Gamble, MD, PhD and Jamison G. Gamble, MPH, Stanford University School of Medicine, Packard Children’s Hospital.
Gamble, Jamison G.
- You have accessRestricted accessRise and Fall of the Pain-Killer™James G. Gamble and Jamison G. GambleHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 89-94; DOI: G. Gamble*James G. Gamble, MD, PhD and Jamison G. Gamble, MPH, Stanford University School of Medicine, Packard Children’s Hospital.Jamison G. Gamble*James G. Gamble, MD, PhD and Jamison G. Gamble, MPH, Stanford University School of Medicine, Packard Children’s Hospital.
Kirking, Duane M.
- You have accessRestricted accessGeneric: The Unbranding of Modern MedicineDuane M. KirkingHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 99-100; DOI: M. KirkingDuane M. Kirking, Pharm D, PhD, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, Professor Emeritus and University of Michigan School of Public Health, Research Scientist Emeritus
Mckellar, Shelley
- You have accessRestricted accessWhen Good Drugs Go Bad: Opium, Medicine, and the Origins of Canada’s Drug LawsShelley McKellarHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 96-97; DOI: McKellarUniv. of Western Ontario
Podolsky, Scott H.
- You have accessRestricted accessDrug Wars: How Big Pharma Raises Prices and Keeps Generics off the MarketScott H. PodolskyHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 97-98; DOI: H. PodolskyDirector of the Center for the History of Medicine, The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine
Richert, Lucas
- You have accessRestricted accessAssassin of Youth: A Kaleidoscopic History of Harry J. Anslinger’s War on DrugsLucas RichertHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 95-96; DOI: RichertUniversity of Strathclyde
Smith, Daniel J.
- You have accessRestricted access“Outside the Pale” of Professionalism:The Pharmacists Union of Greater New York, 1932-1941Daniel J. SmithHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, July 2018, 60 (3) 55-76; DOI: J. Smith*Instructor of Humanities, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, .