Table of Contents
September 07, 2017; Volume 59,Issue 4
Front Matter
- You have accessRestricted accessFront MatterHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 0590127_1;
- You have accessRestricted accessWe Remember Them:Pharmacy’s Fallen in World War Two—Navy and MarinesDennis B. WorthenHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 127-142; DOI: B. Worthen*University of Cincinnati James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy; email: .
Research Notes & Departments
- You have accessRestricted accessPharmacy and the HolocaustWilliam SkilesHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 143-145; DOI: SkilesRegent University
- You have accessRestricted accessMarijuana ProhibitionIsaac CamposHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 144-146; DOI: CamposUniversity of Cincinnati
- You have accessRestricted accessDissertations in the History of PharmacyJonathan ErlenHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 146-147; DOI: Erlen*University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, email: .
- You have accessRestricted accessHave You Heard?History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 147-148; DOI:
Report of 2017 AIHP Annual Business Meeting Webinar
- You have accessRestricted accessSummary Minutes Annual Business Meeting3 December 2017, 3:00 PM EST TeleconferenceHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 149-150; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessReport of the President—AIHP Strategic PrioritiesWilliam A. ZellmerHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 151-152; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessReport of the SecretaryRobert A. BuerkiHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 153; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessReport of the TreasurerClarke RidgwayHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 154-155; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessReport of the Executive DirectorGregory J. HigbyHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 156-158; DOI:
Back Matter
- You have accessRestricted accessBack MatterHistory of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals, September 2017, 59 (4) 0590127_2;